Published Works

Sunlight on a Square (1961), John Augustin, Dublin.
Love in the Afternoon (1971), Gill and MacMillan, Dublin.
Another Kind of Optimism (1974), Gill and MacMillan, Dublin.


Basil Payne is represented in at least 15 anthologies, including:
Penguin Book of Irish Verse, ed. Brendan Kenelly, Penguin Books, London.
Ireland in Poetry, ed. Charles Sullivan, Harry M. Abrams Inc., New York.
Some Irish Loving, ed. Edna O'Brien, Weidenfeld & Nicholson, London (also Penguin Books, London).
The Great Book of Ireland (1991), ed. Theo Dorgan and Gene Lambert, Poetry Ireland Ltd, Dublin).

Literary Magazines

Poetry by Basil Payne has been presented in numerous literary magazines, most recently in translation in Écritures, no. 13 (2001), ed. Sémir Badir, Éditions de l'Université de Liège, Liège.
View the poems in English here.